Khatia Buniatishvili

open air concert 2013, 80min

Khatia Buniatishvili

“Mind in the Wilderness”

director: Ernestine Böttcher
dop: Henning Brümmer
producer: Bernhard Fleischer

Kha­tia Buni­at­ishvili’s play­ing has been de­scribed as hav­ing »an aura of el­eg­ant solitude and even mel­an­choly« It’s a per­fect char­ac­ter­iz­a­tion of the pi­an­ist with such a wide palette of ex­pres­sion. Kha­tia Buni­at­ishvili com­mands a nat­ur­al mu­sic­al­ity. »Force of nature«, »Spir­ited­ness«, or »In­fin­ite free­dom« are fre­quently men­tioned at­trib­utes of her in­ter­pret­a­tion. These im­ages epi­tom­ize the earth­i­ness of the young Geor­gi­an.